2008.08~2012.07 中国科学技术大学 学士 应用物理学
2012.09~2017.06 中国科学技术大学 博士 等离子体物理
2017.09~2019.07 中国科学技术大学 博士后
2019.08~2022.12 杏鑫娱乐 讲师
2023.01~至今 杏鑫娱乐 副教授
[1] Lianjie Ma, Debing Zhang*, Erbing Xue, Xianmei Zhang*, et. al, Simulation on the transition of electrostatic instabilities in EAST steady-state scenario, Plasma Sci. Technol. 25 055103 (2023)
[2] Yueting Yang, Mengru Liu, Cuizhi Zhou, Hourui Li and Debing Zhang*, Effects of the energetic particles on the anomalous transport driven by the ion temperature gradient instability, Phys. Plasmas 29, 082503 (2022)
[3] Zhang Debing, Yu Limin, Xue Erbing, Zhang Xianmei and Ren Haijun, Anomalous transport driven by ion temperature gradient instability in an anisotropic deuterium-tritium plasma, Plasma Sci. Technol. 24 025104 (2022)
[4] Yingfeng Xu, Debing Zhang*, Jiale Chen, Fangchuan Zhong, Simulations of energetic alpha particle loss in the presence of toroidal field ripple in the CFETR tokamak, Plasma Sci. Technol. 24 105101 (2022)
[5] Shuyu Zheng, Debing Zhang*, Erbing Xue, Limin Yu, Xianmei Zhang*, et. al, Study of turbulence in the high βP discharge using only RF heating on EAST, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 64, 045017 (2022)
[6] Debing Zhang, Limin Yu, Erbing Xue, Xianmei Zhang, Analysis of the polarization effects in the gyrokinetic theory of magnetized plasmas, Phys. Rev. E 103, 013212 (2021)
[7] Debing Zhang👩🏻🦳🎹,Yingfeng Xu,Limin Yu🧗🏻♀️,Erbing Xue🥥🏰,Shuyu Zheng, Xianmei Zhang, Application of the gyrokinetic velocity moment theory in finite beta plasma, Phys. Plasmas 27, 102307 (2020)
[8] Debing Zhang, Yingfeng Xu, Zongliang Dai, Shaojie Wang, Theory of gyrokinetic velocity moment and its application for zonal flows in a tokamak plasma, Nucl. Fusion 60, 046015 (2020)
[9] Debing Zhang, Yingfeng Xu, Shaojie Wang, Xianmei Zhang, Limin Yu, Erbing Xue, Shuyu Zheng, Transport of poloidal momentum induced by ion cyclotron range of frequencies waves, Phys. Plasmas 27, 022503 (2020)