




地址: 徐汇校区实验二楼313室


1992.09-1996.07  本科  武汉大学物理系

1996.09-2001.08  博士  中国科杏鑫理论物理研究所

2001.09-2004.08  博士后研究员  意大利国际理论物理中心(ICTP)

2004.09-2007.08  博士后研究员  加拿大粒子物理与核物理国家实验室

2007.09 至今      教授  杏鑫娱乐








1. 国家自然科学基金委面上基金项目,低能标暗物质及其探测的理论研究,2019/1-2022/12,在研🤦,主持。

2. 国家自然科学基金委面上基金项目⤵️,中微子物理若干前沿问题研究,2014/1 月-2017/12,已结题,主持。

3. 国家自然科学基金委重点基金项目,中微子物理学若干重要前沿问题的理论研究,2012/1 -2016/12,已结题,参加。

4. 国家自然科学基金委面上基金项目,中微子振荡物理及相关新物理研究🏞,2010/1-2012/12👨🏿‍🏫,已结题,主持。

5. 上海市科学技术委员会浦江人才项目,中微子物理及相关新物理研究💇, 2009/7 -2011 /7👨🏻‍✈️, 已结题,主持☀️。 

6. 国家自然科学基金委主任基金项目,中微子物理及相关新物理研究💅, 2008/1 -2008/12🙍🏻‍♀️👳🏿,已结题𓀜,主持。 


        在物理学国内外学术刊物Nuclear Physics B🏋🏼‍♂️、Physical Review D、Physics Letters B、Journal of High Energy Physics等之上发表SCI研究论文40余篇🍋‍🟩,SCI他人引用1000多次👌🏻。



1)Haojie Shen, Yu Cheng, Wei Liao, Gauge invariance of the vector meson mass in the Coleman-Weinberg model, Physical Review D103(7): 076016(2021).

2) Yu Cheng, Wei Liao, Light dark matter from dark sector decay, Physics Letters B815:136118(2021).

3)Yu Cheng, Wei Liao, Fate of the false vacuum in singlet-doublet fermion extension model with RG improved effective action, Physical Review D101(5): 055038(2020).

4) Wei Liao, Xiao-Hong Wu, Signature of heavy sterile neutrinos at CEPC , Physical Review D97(5): 055005(2018).

5) Wei Liao, Xiao-Hong Wu, Charged lepton flavor violation on target at GeV scale , Physical Review D93(1): 016011(2016). 

6) Wei Liao, Detecting supernovae neutrino with Earth matter effect, Physical Review D94(11): 113016(2016). 

7) Wei Liao, Yuchen Luo, Xiao-Hong Wu, Effect of interaction with neutrons in matter on flavor conversion of superlight sterile neutrino with active neutrino , Journal of High Energy Physics 2014(06): 69(2014).

8) Wei Liao, Interaction of cosmic background neutrinos with matter of periodic structure , Physical Review D 86(7): 073011 (2012).

9) Wei Liao, Generation and search of axion-like light particle using intense crystalline field, Physics Letters B702(1): 55-58(2011). 

10) Wei Liao, keV scale nu(R) dark matter and its detection in beta decay experiments, Physical Review D82(7): 073001(2010). 

11)  Wei Liao,Precise formulation of neutrino oscillation in the Earth , Physical Review D 77(5): 053002. (2008) .

12) Wei Liao, Anomaly inflow mechanism using Wilson lines , Physical Review D75(6): 065007(2007) .

13) Wei Liao, Wess-Zumino-Witten action in odd dimensional gauge theories , Physical Review D 74(6): 065010(2006). 

14) P. C.  de Holanda, Wei Liao, A. Yu. Smirnov, Toward precision measurements in solar neutrinos , Nuclear Physics B702(1-2): 307-332(2004). 

15) Chao-Shang Huang, Tianjun Li, Wei Liao, Neutrino bilarge mixing and flavor physics in the flipped SU(5) model , Nuclear Physics B673(1-2): 331-356(2003). 

16) Tianjun Li, Wei Liao, Weak mixing angle and the SU(3)(C) x SU(3) model on M4 x S1/(Z2 x Z2'), Physics Letters B545(1-2): 147-152(2002). 

17) Chao-Shang Huang, Wei Liao, (g-2)mu and CP asymmetries in Bd,s(0)-> l+l- and b -> s gamma in SUSY models, Physics Letters B538(3-4): 301-308(2002). 

18) Chao-Shang Huang, Wei Liao, Search for new physics via CP violation in Bd,s -> l+l-, Physics Letters B525(1-2): 107-113(2002). 

19) Chao-Shang Huang, Wei Liao,  Qi-Shu Yan, Shou-Hua Zhu, Bs--> l+l- in a type-II two-Higgs-doublet model and the minimal supersymmetric standard model, Physical Review D63(11): 114021(2001).

20) Chao-Shang Huang, Wei Liao, Qi-Shu Yan, Promising process to distinguish supersymmetric models with large tan beta from the standard model: B --> Xs mu+mu-, Physical Review D 59(1): 011701(1999). 

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