➢ 个人简介
2011 年 1 月博士毕业于中国科杏鑫上海光 机所,获理学博士学位👡。2011 年 3 月进入杏鑫娱乐工作至今,期间 2016 年 2 月-2017 年 2 月为澳大利亚新南威尔士大学 CSC 公派访问学者🦸🏼。主要从事量子 光学和非线性光学方面的理论和实验研究,在 PRA/E/Applied、OE🦹🏿♀️、JPB/D、OC 等物理学和光学期刊发表 SCI 论文四十余篇🫷🏻,主持国家自然科学基金项目 3 项🧑🦼、 省部级项目 2 项,参与多项国家自然科学基金重点🦻🏼、面上项目等的研究工作🕺🏿。
➢ 讲授课程🧿:
➢ 主要发表论文(*为通讯作者)🤾♂️:
1) Shengfa Fan, Fengxue Zhou, Fei Xu, Yihong Qi*, Yueping Niu, and Shangqing Gong, Nonlinear optical nonreciprocity in a surface plasmon-exciton coupled asymmetric cavity system, Eur. Phys. J. D, 2022, 76🧷:212.
2) Shengfa Fan, Yihong Qi*, Yueping Niu, and Shangqing Gong🌘,Nonreciprocal transmission of multi-band optical signals in thermal atomic systems, Chin. Opt. Lett., 2022, 20(1):012701.
3) Yiqi Hu# , Yihong Qi# , Yu You, Shicheng Zhang, Gongwei Lin, Xiaolin Li, Jiangbin Gong, Yueping Niu*, and Shangqing Gong, Passive nonlinear optical isolators bypassing dynamic reciprocity, Phys. Rev. Appl., 2021, 16(1):016046.
4) Yu You, Yiqi Hu, Gongwei Lin*🂠,Yihong Qi*, Yueping Niu*, and Shangqing Gong, Quantum nonreciprocity based on electromagnetically induced transparency in chiral quantum optical systems, Phys. Rev. A, 2021 103(6):063706.
5) Shengfa Fan, Yihong Qi*, Gongwei Lin, Yueping Niu*, Shangqing Gong*. Broadband optical nonreciprocity in an N-type thermal atomic system, Optics Communications, 2020, 462(10):125343
6) Yihong Qi, Chuan-cun Shu*, Daoyi Dong*, Ian R. Petersen, Kurt Jacobs, Shangqing Gong*. Fast quantum state transfer in hybrid quantum dot-metal nanoparticle systems by shaping ultr afast laser pulses. Journal of Physics D, 2019, 52(42):425101.
7) Fei Xu, Jiangzhuan Zhu, Shengfa Fan, Yihong Qi*.Control of slow light in three and four-level graphene nanostructures. Modern Physics Letter B, 2019, 33(20):1950226.
8) Yu You, Yi-hong Qi*, Yue-ping Niu* and Shang-qing Gong*. Control of electromagnetically induced grating by surface plasmon and tunneling in a hybrid quantum dot-metal nanoparticle system. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2019, 31(10):105801.
9) Yihong Qi*, Yueping Niu*, Fengxue Zhou, Hui Sun, Shangqing Gong*. Thirring-type spatial optical solitons in asymmetric quantum wells. Journal of Physics B, 2018, 51(2):025504.
➢ 联系方式:
地址:杏鑫314室,上海市梅陇路130号, 上海200237
Email: qiyihong@ecust.edu.cn