研究方向:半导体材料与器件,纳米传感技术与应用🔙。在科研方面,作为负责人承担军工重大项目以及横向项目,在Journal of Applied Physics 、Sensors and Actuators B: 国际知名杂志发表论文♌️。
1.Mu H, Wang K, Haifen Xie.. Dependence of the Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) Sensitivity of SnOx-Sn/Graphene Gas Sensors on Vacuum Annealing and Ultraviolet (UV) Ozone Exposure. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 16: 1–7(2016)
2.HaifenXie;Keke Wang;Zhiqiang Zhang;Xiaojing Zhao;Feng Liu;Haichuan Mu*.Temperature and thickness dependence of the sensitivity of nitrogen dioxide graphene gas sensors modified by atomic layer deposited zinc oxide films.RSC Advances.Vol.5 (No.36):28030-28037(2015)
3.Haichuan Mu*;Keke Wang;Zhiqiang Zhang;Haifen Xie.Formaldehyde Graphene Gas Sensors Modified by Thermally Evaporated Tin Oxides and Tin Compound Films.The Journal of Physical Chemistry C Vol.119(No.18):10102-10108.(2015).
4.Haichuan Mu , Lu Rao , Weiling Li , Bin Wei , Keke Wang , Haifen Xie.Electroluminescence dependence of the simplified green light organic light emitting diodes on in situ thermal treatment.Applied Surface Science 357 (2015) 2241–2247.(2015)
5.Haichuan Mu;Zhiqiang Zhang;Xiaojing Zhao;Feng Liu;Keke Wang;Haifen Xie*High sensitive formaldehyde graphene gas sensor modified by atomic layer deposition zinc oxide films.Applied Physics Letters.Vol.105(No.3):033107-4(2014)
6.Haichuan Mu;Keke Wang;Zhiqiang Zhang;Haifen Xie*.Fabrication and Characterization of Amino Group Functionalized Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNT) Formaldehyde Gas Sensors.IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL.VOL.14( NO.7):2362-2368.(2014).
7.Haifen Xie, Changhao Sheng, Xingyan Wang, Zhi Li, Jia Zhou.Multi-wall carbon nanotube gas sensors modified with amino-group to detect low concentration of formaldehyde. [J] Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Volume 168, 20 June 2012, Pages 34-38.(2012)
8..Haifen Xie ,Qiong Hu ,Jia Zhou ,Yiping Huang.The study of nanosized zeolite films in sensor for DMMP gas detection(EI)16th IEEE International Symposium on the Physical and Failure Analysis of Integrated Circuits 2009 Page(s):555-558.(2009).
9.Xu,Haisheng; Liu, Xiaobing; Fang, Xuerang; Xie, Haifen; Li, Guobing; Meng, Xiangjian; Sun, Jinglan; Chu, Junhao.Domain stabilization effect of interlayer on ferroelectric poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene) copolymer ultrathin film..Journal ofApplied Physics, Vol. 105 Issue 3, (2009).
10.Haifen Xie, Jiangsheng Wu, Peng Huang,XinmingJi,Yiping Hunag The Study of the Gas Microsensors Based on Polymer-Carbon Black Composites,2006 8th international conference on Solid-State and Integrated Circuit Technology (IEEE PRESS) 637-639.(2006).
11..Haifen Xie, Qiudong Yanga, Xiaoxiang Suna, Juanjuan Yanga and Yiping Huang Gas sensor arrays based on polymer-carbon black to detect organic vapors at low concentration Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical . Vol.113 Issue 2 (2006).
12.Haifen Xie, Qiudong Yang, Xiaoxiang, Sun, Tign Yu, Jia Zhou, Yiping Huang. Gas sensor based on Nanosized-zeolite films to Identify Dimethylmethylphosphonate. Sensors and Materials, Vol 17, No. 1 021-028. (2005).
E-mail: hfxie@ecust.edu.cn