

葛自明, 1965年10月出生,黑龙江讷河人, 副教授, 理学博士, 毕业于吉林大学原子与分子物理研究所🧑🏼‍🦰💁🏿‍♀️。




1)   类锂体系原子结构关联效应的研究;

2)   电子碰撞原子电离(e,2e)过程中电子相互作用的研究;


1. Zhang Shuangshuang, Ge ziming, Post-collision interactions and the polarization effect in (e,2e) collisions of helium, Chinese physics B, Vol 21 (7), 073403, 2012

2. 高瑞军, 葛自明, 共面不对称条件下Ar原子(e,2e)反应的三重微分截面,物理学报, Vol. 59(3), 1702, 2010

3. 高瑞军, 葛自明, 敖淑艳, 贺黎明, 共面对称条件下Mg原子(e,2e)反应三重微分截面的计算, 原子与分子物理学报, Vol. 26(4), 657, 2009

4. Ge Ziming, Lu Zhiwei, Cai Junwei,Ao Shuyan, Luo Youhua, The damage of the optical components induced by the stimulated Brillouin scattering, Chinese physics B,Vol. 15(10), 2343, 2006

5. 葛自明, 周雅君, 王治文, 类锂体系(Z=21—30)基态1s22s电离能和相对论项能的理论计算, 物理学报, Vol. 53(1) 42, 2004

6. Ge Ziming, Zhou Yajun, Wang Zhiwen, He Liming, Liu Guoguang, The excitation energies and term energies of the excited states 1s2ns (n=3,4,5) and 1s2nf (n=4,5)of lithium-like systems from Z=11to20, Chinese physics B,Vol 12(5), 488, 2003

7. 葛自明, 吕志伟, 王治文, 类锂体系激发态1s2nd(n=3,4,5)精细结构和项能的理论计算,物理学报,Vol, 51(12), 2733, 2002

8. Ge Ziming, Lu Zhiwei, Zhou Yajun, Wang Zhiwen, Theoretical calculation of the triple differential cross sections of the 2p orbital of argon in Coplanar Highly Asymmetric (e,2e) reaction, Chinese physics B, Vol 11(9), 915, 2002

9. 葛自明, 吕志伟, 林殿阳, 光学元件中强激光横向受激布里渊散射的研究进展, 激光技术,Vol.19(4), 375, 2002

10. 葛自明, 周雅君, 吕志伟, 王治文, 电子碰撞原子(e,2e) 反应的复极化势, 物理学报,Vol. 51(3), 519, 2002

11. 葛自明, 吕志伟, 林殿阳, 光学元件中强激光非线性效应的研究进展, 激光杂志, Vol. 23(2), 12, 2002

12. Ge Ziming, Wang Zhiwen, Excited States of Lithium-like Systems from Z=11 to 20, Journal of Korean Physical Society, Vol. 32(No), 380, 1998

13. 周雅君, 葛自明, 王治文, 锂原子与正负电子碰撞电离总截面的计算, 原子与分子物理学报, Vol 15(2), 135, 1998

14. Ge Ziming, Wang Zhiwen, Ionization Potential of the Lithium-like Ground States from Z=21 to 30, Chinese Journal of Atomic Molecular Physics, Vol 14 (2), 163, 1997

15. Wang Zhiwen, Ge Ziming, Ionization Potential of the Lithium-like Ground States from Scandium to Zinc, Physica Scripta, Vol.73, 53, 1997




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